Welcome To Agartha

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Legends tell of an underground world, connected to the four corners of the earth through an intricate tunnel network. A land inhabited by peace loving and gentle people trying to alleviate the exuberance of the nations living above ground, the myth seems to be very old.

Perils turning the earth above had not touched this haven for peace-loving people for eons, but, sorrow is an unwelcomed visitor that persists to visit every place that it can slither and crawl through, and this land had been cursed by the visit of sorrow not long ago.

out of the pains of the land, a prophecy is born, and it states that one day, sorrow would be driven out and peace will reign supreme once more, or else all will be lost.

These are the chronicles of this era, in a place thought to be a legend, these are the chronicles of Agartha.

About The Series

The land of Agartha had faced serious terbulations in recent history, changing the map of the land as well as its people.

In the first book “The Green Boy,” you will discover with us this land that just got out of a major war, and you will meet Ethan, a young man going on a journey of self discovery, a journey that might change only his life, but those of all people living above and under the ground..

In a world of dragons and magic, such a journey will not be an easy one, as Ethan weaves his way through the dangers inherent in the mysterious land of Agartha, he is joined by Darren, an outcast of his own nation, and Mara, a girl who claims that she is from the world above their heads.

Going on this journey is not an easy task to partake, but the Green Lady, the leader of the most ruthless army in the land would be trailing them through the whole journey, as she wants Ethan, and she is willing to achieve that without thinking of the cost of her actions.

High fantasy adventure, aimed at young adults, Book 1 – The Green Boy.

Launching on February the 20th, 2020.


Through the land of Agartha are mysterious objects with intrinsic magical powers, known to the residents as Arcaons.

Legend says that the Arcanos are related in some way to the Tarot cards and their representations although the reason behind this relation is unclear to most.

Tell me your color, and I will tell you who you are

People of Agartha are not judged according to the color of their skin, all are equal under the Diamond sun of hollow earth.

Still, they are separated by the colors of their Aura into distinct and separated nations. There are six nations in the land of Agartha, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, and Orange.

Agarthans don’t follow the traditional family unit, as the belonging of an individual is only to his color. A man or woman’s allegiance is only to their color.

Each Aura color comes with its own abilities and powers, called by the Agarthans, Vrill.

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Meet the authors

Sherif Guirguis and Isaac Michaan dreamed of the land of Agartha and through their dream, The Chronicles Of Agartha was born.

Sherif wrote two books before this one, and he loves to hear feedback from his readers.

Isaac Michaan is a new rising writer, and The Chronicles Of Agartha is first work, he would love to hear from people who read the book to evolve the next books in the series.

Where can you buy The Chronicles Of Agartha?

The land of Agartha is soon to be open to you, in the meantime, please send us any inquiries that you have about The Chronicles Of Agartha. On launch, this spot will have the place to buy the books as well as any offers and giveaways.


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